Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hari Raya Aidiladha preparations

are finally done and I'm just sitting by waiting for the day to pass, before I formally welcome tomorrow.

Hari Raya Aidiladha has always been a more low key affair for my family, and even up till now, I wonder if this day is actually supposed to be a happy or sad affair.

For one, it is, hari raya, which means Celebration Day, so judging by the name it should be a joyous occasion to be celebrate.

Then again, it is also a day where we remember the people who are miles away from us, performing the pilgrimage in Mecca. I've not had my parents miles away from me for so many days, so I guess I won't know how sad it actually can get, but judging from my cousins who already have experienced it, the sadness experienced is one of a kind.

So there you have it, if we were to lump the two together, it would be more like a day to celebrate the success of those miles away from us for successfully performing the pilgrimage.

Here's where bitter sweet comes into place I guess.

Anyways, enough of ranting for now. So to all my Muslim friends, here's wishing you a SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA!

Take this opportunity to make your long overdue minta maafs that have been long brought forward from Hari Raya Aidilfitri! HAHA! Come on, do it. I'm waiting :)


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