Saturday, March 21, 2009


You'll only start treasuring something once you've lost it

Many at times in camp, during my free time, I'll ponder over this fact alot. There are many things all of us take for granted, for example friends, family and the luxury of items all of us hold. As wicked as this statement might seem, lets all face it. Its the truth for all, if not most of us here.

How many of us here actually acknowledge the fact that we have families to go back to once we return home from school or work? We take our homes for accommodation grounds and we just go home to sleep and do our own stuff. Our parents will always be there to welcome us with a warm smile, a cup of Milo or even some snacks for us to consume knowing we are exhausted after a day packed with activities yet do we thank them for their kind efforts?

How many of us here actually acknowledge the presence of our siblings at home? When we come home, we will most likely be so exhausted we will not even bother to interact with our own siblings although we live under the same roof. We see them as just another member of the family, yet we do not realize that perhaps they feel neglected as we make no attempt to show our love and concern for them.

How many of us here treasure this thing called freedom? We often take it for granted that we can do anything we like at our own risk without consequences. Freedom is too easily granted to us nowadays that we see it as something common and if not given freedom, I'm pretty sure most of us here would voice out our unhappiness and resort to the idea of expressing the issue of "human rights" as we put it.

Well NS can be such a pest, irritant or sore but I'm trying to think positive of it. At least it makes us think and mature mentally in terms of the way we perceive things. Before entering NS, most guys will be rather narrow minded in terms of the way they think of the people and issues surrounding them but I'm sure with these 2 years, we all all mature and progress.

Well isnt that the case?

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