For a start, I guess most of whatever that has been happening so far goes to NCDCC. The unit I've been posted to for my NS vocation seems like a heavenly one. People say that being an NCDCC officer is like being on cloud 9, cause all you do is slack, scold people and continue the cycle daily without having to care about anything else that's going on around us. People keep insisting we, as officers, lead a slacky life cause face it, as much as we want to be appreciated, we are not operational people. If there were a war in Singapore, do we as officers get mobolized? No, hence we get looked down upon.
But here's my question to you, WHO educates the young regarding civil defence so as to allow them to get a better picture of what to do during times of emergency. As much as people think we're living a great life, they fail to see the bigger picture, or rather whatever happens behind. The many sleepless nights, countless proposals and phonecalls made, pre-event preparation, stress and anxiety, we experience this on a weekly basis. And don't you forget, we too have our own social lives to lead. The very fact that we're devoting our lives as officers to cadets show how dedicated we are in serving our nation. We work on most days and there is a price to pay for this, which is that we sacrifice our social lives just for the nation.
I don't know if anybody is actually far sighted enough to weigh the factors up to this point, but well if you did, then probably you'll get whatever I've been blabbering about. Period.
On the brighter side, here's all that has been happening in NCDCC for me:
Going down to schools on a weekly basis to conduct talks, lessons and many other aspects of learning related to NCDCC. Its fortunate that I've been posted to NCDCC, a vocation close to something really fond to me, which is teaching. I've got this passion towards teaching others, and there really is this big sense of satisfaction attained when you see your students learn from whatever you have been trying to bring across to them. Footdrill, first aid, its really heartwarming when they credit their success to you and inform you that you have helped make an impact upon their lives. The picture above was taken 2 weeks back when I went down to Juying Secondary School to teach the NCDCC cadets first aid dressing. Tough it was, and I was really afraid that I screwed up big time, but at the end of it I realized that the cadets did learn something from myself and they even requested for myself to come back in future to educate them as they personally told me that they feel comfortable and enjoy my presence there as an educator towards them. Touching words, and such are the pleasures I experience which make me press on with every little bit of motivation I get.
There are times where things get really stressed up and you feel as if you just want to give up, then these are the times where the colleagues, friends and cadets really play a part in encouraging you to press on. Its just been 3 months, yet I'm really glad to have met all these people who have been with me throughout...
The awesomest people you'll ever get to work with in my opinion :)
And to end it all off, this is the vocation that has enabled me to gain so much experience that I would never have garnered elsewhere. Just three months in, yet so many experiences gained. This is the beauty of NCDCC. One event I'll really remember would be being involved in NDP 2009 as a trainer for the NCDCC marching contingent. This really made me realize how much effort and hard work is put in by all the participants each year just to make NDP a stupendous event for Singaporeans to watch and enjoy. It may be in August, but training starts way early, in fact as early as March or April, and seeing the pre-preparations made in front of my very eyes made me realize how much we ought to appreciate all these people working behind the scenes just to make sure that NDP runs smoothly. I was honoured, and that patriotic feeling towards Singapore in me did increase by a few notches, just because this time round I was an active participant instead of a passive viewer.
Just five months in, and I'm sure there are many more opportunities for me, just waiting for me to open the door when it's knocked upon...
I'm blessed to be surrounded by these people, I really am. This year's in fact, one of the worst years ever for me, having been rejected for so many things so many times, some of which are seriously once in a lifetime opportunities. Its painful to know that, yet I always believe that there's a reason why everything is happening. To be frank its hard to believe this when a blow comes at you consecutively without giving you enough space to breathe and absorb the full impact. Yet these are the very people who have both directly and indirectly helped me through the tough times.
They give me reason to believe.
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