Saturday, May 2, 2009

The problem with Wolverine

Something random, I still cannot get over the fact that Wolverine is so highly appreciated and emphasized in the X Men series. Seriously, what's so good about him that's worth so much focus on his past and future? I'd rather they created a spin off on Storm or Jean or Cyclops... Now that would be more exciting to witness ...

Heh, I'm a fan of X-Men since young alright, just that I'm rather biased against Wolverine cause I remember as a small boy thinking Wolverine was really cocky and annoying with the way he was portrayed in the series...

Then again, I don't really mind the movie cause Hugh Jackman's playing the annoying character and we all know what an awesome actor he is :)

Tag replies

Yes you can still try to mat-tify me after your exams. It'll be a hard task man! HAHA! Thanks and yes I am having fun in camp now :)

Hey there! Yes time passes really fast, and it really feels so fast I amazed at how much I have completed thus far. I'm fine, and you? Study hard for exams ya! All the best!

[Zhen Qin]
Exactly my point! Weekends should be used for activities, not to rest the eyes. That can be done in camp. LOL!

Yeap I was referring to Mad World. Adam's version is on repeat for my Mp3, and its been a week now and I never get sick of that song. Its really beautifully sung! :) Gary Jules' version was really good too actually! hahah...

HEY! Haha yes NS is getting better, thanks! Keep the tags coming!

LOL so I'm missed cause you need somebody to bully? >.<>

HEY! Yess its three more weeks to partial freedom. That way we dont have to end our convos abruptly anymore. It has happened alot these past few weeks eh? HAHA! I cant wait for it to end! And yeapp I think I remember telling you about that. Never mind we shall continue the next time we see each other online, and I am looking forward to that man! Chatting with Inessa is always a fun activity aint it? LOL!

No problem :) Thanks for tagging and dropping by! All the best for your exams ya?

Archuleta is an awesome singer man! You should listen to the lyrics and the way he sings them. Its really soothing to the ears. Haha.. and eh Aliff is no where close to Archuleta in my opinion so they should not be compared together la! LOL!

Alamak, haruskah saya anggapkan kata-kata anda itu sebagai pujian atau sebaliknya? LOL! >.<>

HEY! Alright I'll relink. And YES he should not be in the bottom two. No no no! He must win, heh!

Agreed! Yeapp I do miss my students calling me that, although now I have a totally different group of people calling me that. Hehh.. And yeap, MAY IS HERE! And that means two things. One, I'm 20 days away from ending my life as a recruit. Two, our meet up should happen sooon! hehe.. Two great events to look forward to :)

1 comment:

Lisa Miner said...

I can totally understand the focus on Wolverine. And him being played by HUGH JACKMAN is a huge plus. Not sure if they focused on the past and such of the other characters if it would really catch my attention.