Monday, March 9, 2009


There are times where we feel things do not go our way, and we question why this has to happen to us. Its a harsh reality that life itself is not a bed of roses. True, there are times where we want things to happen and they do, but not all times they do for sometimes, things just take a turn in the completely opposite direction.

I've always asked myself this, if things do not go our way, who would be blamed for it?

Of course the most obvious thing to do would be to firstly to blame ourselves. Blame ourselves for not having enough passion, for not having enough commitment, for not being dedicated enough to actually go all out to achieve what we set out for. There are times this does apply to us, and we realize that we fail due to our own shortcomings.

However, if we are certain we have given in our best 101% in a certain something and things still do not go our way, what's next?

I just experienced my fair share of this a while back last week. I know I have tried my upmost best in my A Levels, and I know that all that hard work I have put in was indeed tremendous, yet when I think of it, it really does not reflect upon my grades at all. I got really average grades of a CDD, C for Maths, D for Physics and D for Chemistry. I know I passed it all, but I definitely did not want to settle for such grades especially after seeing how well some of my friends performed during this exams.

Perhaps I should just start accepting that result and move on. I used to fail my Maths and Sciences with U's all the way for my JC life, so if we were to take a look at the bright side, it definitely is a huge improvement aye? :)

You see the difference between optimism and pessimism? There are many different ways of looking at things, it's all in the way we choose to view things. Many at times, things can be viewed from a different perspective, so whether the glass if half full or half empty depends on us most of the time..

I guess for those of us who already tried yet got such results, we could think that perhaps this is our fate. Often at times, there are reasons why things happen. They don't happen just to hinder us, rather they happen to ensure we become stronger individuals who will be able to cope with obstacles better. Perhaps it is fate that led to such results as by achieving such results, it could lay the path for us unknowingly for future success.

You get my point? If you were to take a look at the world's most successful people, all of them have actually experienced failure at one point in their lives, and it is this failure that actually helped them achieve their current status, believe it or not.

Albert Einstein, Martha Steward, these are household names linked to success who have failed at least once during their younger days. Albert Einstein was a school dropout and Martha Steward has been sentenced to a jail term before, so if these people can do it, we can too. We should stop looking at failure so negatively for it could possibly lead to a future success!

On the brighter side for me, at least I managed to score a B for my GP =) Seriously, getting a B for english is not easy at all and I'm really glad that I have managed to achieve this grade. At least I will be able to live up to my name as an English teacher of Teck Whye Secondary school...


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